Day 21 / Verse 19

Living Hanuman – Inner Pilgrimage

prabhu mudrika meli mukh maahi…
Shri Hanuman kept the ring of Lord Shri Ram in His mouth ( and crossed over the sea to Lanka in a giant leap).

I cover the journey to my goal in a giant leap.

Verse 19:

“I will make you like a signet ring on my finger, for I have chosen you”, declares the Lord ( – Bible, Haggai 2.23).

I hold my mission in my unbroken awareness, like a tailor holds a needle in his/her mouth until the task of stiching is completed. Not to rest, let go or give up until the mission is accomplished is the key to success. In daily life, we need to place a marble in our mouth ( don’t swallow it!) until our task at hand is completed. And while we hold the marble in our mouth, we must not check our smartphone ( the single largest distractor at work, except when it is being made to work for work!)