Day 20 / Verse 18

Living Hanuman – Inner Pilgrimage

leelyo taahi madhur phala jaanu
Shri Hanuman leaped to the red orb of the rising Sun and took it in His mouth as if it were a sweet fruit.

Through harmonizing my heart and my mind (Sugriva), and resolving inner conflicts through the practice of an unbroken awareness of my Prana or my Breath (Vibhishana) , I am led into a state of Self-mastery as well as abundance and success in this world.

Verse 18:
I set myself a high ideal, and I meet and exceed the same. My journey comprises my leaps made out of “zero” efforts and “zero” resistance. My highest goal is to include the welfare of many and bringing joy to many – bahujan hitaaya, bahujan sukhaaya. I accomplish this mission as easily as I would relish a sweet fruit, effortlessly and without resistances.