Day 19 / Verse 17

tumhari mantra Vibhishan maanaa

Vibhishana, the Gentle One, heeded to Your (Shri Hanuman’s) advice ( and was later anointed the King of Lanka).

As I continue to live my wisdom through my attitudes, attributes, behaviour, and actions, as I bring my head and heart, my intellect and intuition, my thinking and feeling into resonance, I blossom into the state of Self-mastery.

Verse 18:
I am Vibhishan-like, the gentle one, in whom all conflicts all conflicts have been resolved. I have learnt to change the things I can, accept the things I can’t and I have the discerning wisdom to know the difference. Vi-bhishan, meaning especially fierce, has fiercely and firmly resolved his/her fears and conflicts, by taking bold and decisive steps, led by a cleansed and clear mind that is peaceful and strong, both at the same time. I am thus led into a state of mastery over the world of wealth, of people, of relationships, of events and experiences. I am led into worldly success and happiness.