Day 02 / Doha 02

Bal budhhi bidya dehu mohi
harahu kalesa bikaar

Grant me
Strength ( of faith, values & virtues),
Intellect ( of discernment),
Knowledge (of the Self & It’s journey),
Heal me from sufferings & impurities.

Recap: Doha 01

I am inspired to take the first step of emotional purification through the learning so far acquired, leading to a clear and reflective mirror-like mind.

Leading to: Doha 02

I am engaged with myself with – Strength that arises out of firm values, authentic living and self commitment;

Intellect that aids in making healthy and superior choices in life;

Knowledge that helps in a clear awareness that I am a spiritual being having a human experience on earth;

Joyful living arising out of disengagement with the limiting beliefs which causes suffering;

Inclusive living in love and harmony as the ‘impurity’ of the illusion of separation from others is dropped.

I feel truly invited to hangout with myself, a joy I did not know of before!

I am tagging two people who have joined in this caravan 🙂 All are welcome to join in and share your notes from Living Hanuman..